miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Dont read it, is not fun.. i mean it

Have you ever feel like no one understand what you say?
Like you are so lonely
Is not about people around, or bout physical things.
You  feel like attraped in ur own head
But is not like a jail you see it more like a shoulder
Its hard u know, when ppl should understand u and help u is against u.
Its terrible. I hate it, the feelin o this is terrible is like a dying sensation
How can u freakingly been good with anybody else? When u hate ur self!
How fu**k can u? U CANT! Its impossible
Sometimes I feel my only friend is God, heve been like my  imaginarious friend,
I cant see him, I cant touch him, I cant hear him, but I can can feel it.
His joy and love fulls me, I love him so much cuz hes like my only secure support, is the only rihght thing in my life , the only one who  will be there with me.
I love him so much, and I hope he will forgive me for what im going to do… I know this will hurt my mom but is necessary.
Life is out there waitin for me, well I think im waittin for life. But this way of being stuck sucks
My liberty is constantly compromised, is always valancing from one to other side
It's hard to be like this really, I thought I had it in control that I finally had find the way to sobrellevar this situation but I didn’t, im not Houdini, or einstine or God! Im none of theme im not  a genius or perfect , an angel, im a stupid human with all  the stupidness a human can have, im a stupid little girl, tryin to be different and big, I thought I was mature well im not im an idiot I just fake to the people so can live my life , but I cant keep livin my life like this if im not happy with my self. I really need to love me , respect me, get me, and help me, HOPEFULLY God would help me with that but I need first to try my self.
My mother, family and friends deserv something better .
I don’t want to have a boyfriend, husband, conyuge, or whatever I could have in a future if this situation keeps like this, I cant, I WONT, I don’t want to, is not fare to anyone.
 My hope is always shakin but I hope this time when that happens bein strong enough to say enough! stop! and try to make it different Move Forward not back, even if anyones try to bring me down.
 I thought that the problem were the people around me, maybe I wasn’t at all wrong, but I cant say neither that I was completely right cuz Im a problem indeed and a BIG ONE….ufff ya ni se quien soy.

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