miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

My House is a Hell

-.- . Im not over reacting, Im not freakin playing around or anything, seriously talkin. my house is a hell. i live with 11 people in here and with me we are 12, and this is not like the movie " Cheaper by the dozen" i dont have a father livin in here and my mother dont have enough money for all this people, we are poor, and u might be askin oh well she has a blog so must have a computer, yes I do have one, my mother bought me as a gift in my 15 birthday wich is very important here in venezuela. Even when I live in very bad conditions, my mom get into more debts and buy the necessary (she didnt get into a debt for the laptop). BUT IT SUCKS IN HERE. One bathroom, 12 butts, an older sadistic cousin of 18 years old that makes me feel very uncomfortable, i have another of 15 the one who calls me fat, a little sister of 11 she doesnt bothers me most of the time thanks of God, another younger brother who is autistic of 12 years old,3 younger cousins one girl and 2 boys 9 10 and 12 years old, my grondmother, my uncle, aunt and my mother. with me ..12 . well Bassically we eat terrible food, carbs, carbs and more carbs, the diet sucks. as we are so poor we have to eat rice, spagetti, floor, and corn floor becuz is the cheapest to buy also chiken cuz is the cheaper two, we never eat fish or stuf like fruits or yogurt or those things even cereal , is not  enoug for people here, and almost all nights at month my aunt buy bread cuz too is cheap and fulls more bellys.... the health in my family is going DOOWWWWWN becuz of this, my grondmother I'm sure is going to die soon becuz of all the freakin sugar she eats, my mother dont have will power, and eats in the night things she shouldnt, Ive been eatin a biiiit right becuz' i dont wanna get there,
my aunt is gettin fat too this is a very bad bad bad situation.....

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